By Carl Valle
Most coaches want to take flying sprints of various lengths and units of measurements and convert them into velocities. This table provides the split times on the left column and converts the 10m split into three expressions of velocity. The second column is the meters per second expression, followed by the kilometers per hour column, and finalized with the miles per hour list to the far right. If you are doing a longer fly run, such as 20 or 30 meters, simply divide by 2 (for 20m splits) or 3 (for 30m splits) and you have the 10m time split. While the 10m will be an average time, it is assumed that the athlete is actually holding speed throughout the sprint. If you are getting a flying sprint from combine testing and you are still using yards, convert the 10 yard split with the formula below.
(10 yard / time split) * 0.91 = Max Velocity m / s
For convenience a full table is here so coaches can quickly at a glance see their splits match with the corresponding velocities.
Velocity Converter Units, app that allows you to convert speed units quickly and reliably, units such as
kilometers per second, miles hour, kilometers hour among others
To convert 10 yard split to MPH:
Once you calculate the YD/sec using your split time, you use the conversion factor of 2.0454 to calculate MPH.
Ex: 10yd split of 1second =
10yds/1s * 2.0454 =
20.45 MPH
The 20 MPH threshold is a 1.02 10 yd split:
10yd/1.02s = 9.8yd/s
9.8yd/s * 2.045 = 20.04 MPH